Back again with Elma Eklesia!
A very long long loooooonnnngggg time not blogging.
Happy to back here again.
The last time I was posting is around 2013(?) and I've deleted that thing bcs yaa you know it's no longer important. (WAYOLO APAANTUH).
Gakdeng actually 2016 I've posted something. Or exactly it is poem. And. After I read it over and over again, [and after someone is asking me about that poem], I hate that. Yes. I hate my own poem.
Bcs.... it's too tacky and ungrateful.
Ok maybe a bit of u guys used to read that poem and, ofcourse, WONDERING.
And I will not let u guys wondering again soooo I decided to delete it:)
Hmm intinya I've deleted 2 posts in this blog and let's not talk about 'em.
And today... I'm going to back again.
How come?
Twitter. Yes.
So freakin' much thing we can find on twitter bcs it's more like my diary...? or trash maybe?
And I found myself (or exactly 'the old myself') so productive about writing. You can scroll down and see that I used to write a fanfic HAHAHAH it's so funny to remember that I used to proud of it. BCS YES I GOT SO MANY FOLLOWERS FROM THAT FANFIC HAHAH. Besides, I got so much feedbacks and good respond from many people via twitter. Eventhough the language that I use is sooo simple and not following the writing in indonesian rules. Hmmm yaudahlahya namanya juga belajar.
And today I am like...
where's the old elma? elma who likes to write everything? elma who likes to read novel? fanfic? elma who made 30 poems and her bahasa indonesia's teacher take it all bcs she love it?
I've lost it all bcs I am so busy of my campus stuff. I've decided to be a design student and you knowwwwww nirmana konstruk gamdas and other is soooo damnnnn banyaaakkkkk and uuuggghhhh.
But I love it anyway.
Idk why today's post is more like curhat?! Gapapa lahya sekali-sekali. Ga banyak-bannyak kok. Hehe.
OKAY tbh I dunno what kind of content to post in this blog again,
still thinking.
Just stay tuneee here and I'll be back soon:)
((not really soon)).
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